Friday, July 17, 2009

Wonderful trip to The Greenberry House!

This afternoon Sideshow Baby and I made the beautiful trip to Meadows of Dan, VA to visit The Greenberry House! What a beautiful day for a roadtrip.

Unfortunately past this point my iPhone is merely a camera and calendar. It takes amazing photos for such a tiny device though!

It's a GORGEOUS drive on the winding roads through the Blue Ridge Mtns. On the way up I took Squirell Spur Road.

Sideshow Baby was happy to get to the top and ready to see some beautiful hand dyed fibers, yarns, handspun yarns and natural fibers.

Such a pretty view from the parking lot!

We had a great visit with Leslie talking about our "project" (I'll talk about that in a sepearte post) and brought home some gorgeous fiber. Including some natural llama. Sooooo soft!

On the way back I took the Blue Ridge Parkway. A gorgeous scenic route.

I saw this from the road and had to stop. How neat!

We turned for good ole Mayberry and made it home safe and sound.

I'm still working on my secret socks so no knitting to post. I'll be glad when I'm done with secrets so I can share!
I am looking forward to some spinning and will be sure to post that!

1 comment:

Leslie Shelor said...

It was delightful to have you visit and I so enjoyed Sideshow Baby. Your children are so beautiful and so, so good! Thanks for visiting and I'm looking forward to working on the project!