Wednesday, June 3, 2009

More benefits of knitting...

As if we needed anymore excuses! A friend e-mailed this to me and I thought I would share...


 Slow down thought processes enabling you to think more clearly
 Stop cycles of stressful thoughts – useful to use before sleep
 Enhance problem solving enabling you to look at problems from all angles
 Facilitate mindful meditation – you don’t worry about the past or fret about the future
 Facilitate relaxation – necessary for bringing down high levels of stress hormones
 Distract – focus your mind away from problems
 Enable you to escape into the sanctuary of a quiet mind, giving your mind a break
 Encourage positive thought cycles helping to break negativity
 Improve mood and help to manage the worry associated with stress
 Improve feelings of loneliness/isolation if you've been over working
 Teach patience and perseverance – you don’t have to rush at everything
 Improve feelings of helplessness – stress is greater if you feel there’s nothing you can do
 Raise self esteem and confidence so you feel better equipped to manage stress
 Enable you to experience excitement, anticipation and achievement again
 Teach planning and goal setting so you become better organised
 Involve you in the outside world – opening up an alternative avenue away from stress
 Take them anywhere – their portability means you can deal with stress any time
 Improve communication skills – build communication networks at work and outside
 Help in peak stress times before deadlines or presentations
 Introduce enjoyment and fun into life, so life becomes more than work and stress
 Enable you to make friends at work or outside through groups
 Occupy you on your commute to work, so you arrive calm and collected
 Put you back in control
 Calm – great tools for workplace stress
 Encourage you to look forward to tomorrow

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