Sunday, August 2, 2009

Baby Bums! Round 3!

Ok, ok. We've gotten a lot of request for round 3 so here we go! The last of Round 1 leaves this week and round 2 is well underway.
So here it is, Baby Bums a Soaker and Longies yarn club!
Here is how it works!
*note, when you sign up you are committing to 6 months! You will be billed monthly!
Infant Club- Girl and GN/Boy. 3.8 oz of untreated wool and 1.5 oz. of trim. Wool works with most longie and soaker patterns. $30.00 per month including shipping.
Toddler Club-Girl and GN/Boy. 2 3.8 oz skeins of untreated wool and 2 oz of trim. $45.00 per month.
These are Ltd Ed SURPRISE colorways!
Sign ups open until the 15th (OR until filled, slots are limited) and shipment begins the first week in September!




The Yellow Ribbon said...

Were there supposed to be pictures as well? I can't see them :(

KnitFit said...

I added one, :-)